What is pydantic?

Pydantic is an awesome and modern Python library for data validation using type annotations. It enforces type constraints, ensuring data consistency and providing clear error messages when validation fails. Pydantic is both powerful and easy to use, making it a popular choice for developers working with structured data.


To use Pydantic with this SDK, you need to install the SDK with the pydantic extra dependency, as it is not included by default:

pip install "squarecloud[pydantic]"


In this SDK, Pydantic is used to cast an extra parameter from a dictionary into a Pydantic model, allowing for more robust data validation and manipulation.

import squarecloud as square
from squarecloud import Endpoint
from pydantic import BaseModel

class Animal(BaseModel):
    name: str
    age: int

async def get_extra_param(before, after, extra: Animal):

async def main():
    client = square.Client('your api key')
    await client.app_status('application_id', extra={'name': 'felix', 'age': 3})

In this example, the Animal class is a Pydantic model with two fields: name and age. When a request is made to the status endpoint, the extra parameter is automatically cast into an Animal instance, allowing you to easily access and validate the data.